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Next Js Fullstack Semi-dynamic Organization Website for Al Falah Investment



Project Overview:

Al Falah Investment is a semi-dynamic Next.js website designed as a professional business profile platform. It features a dedicated event archive, allowing administrators to showcase past events with detailed insights and key takeaways. A structured resource library provides easy access to downloadable materials, ensuring seamless distribution of valuable content. The admin panel incorporates role-based access control for efficient management of events and resources, complemented by insightful data visualization powered by Chart.js. The platform also includes dynamic banners for important announcements, enhancing visibility for key updates. Built with Next.js, React, and Tailwind CSS, the website delivers a modern, responsive, and visually refined user experience. Authentication is securely managed with Clerk, while UploadThing enables seamless media uploads. Additionally, EmailJS and Nodemailer ensure efficient communication capabilities. This project is designed to establish a strong digital presence for Al Falah Investment, streamlining content management while reinforcing its professional identity.